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Configuring your team for RAPID decision-making process

Understand how you can configure RAPID your decision-making process in Decisions

Configure your MS Teams environment

  • Select or create your Teams team
    • The Teams team will be the basis for storing meeting, agenda, and decision related materials and the default setup for access management
    • Ensure your team is Private
    • The name of the Teams team is recommended to be distinct enough to be easily connected with the focus of the project or decision-making forum (i.e. "Project Team" is not easily recognizable across different areas)
  • Ensure the owner and members of your team is correct
    • Owners will have increased privileges in managing the team, the meeting and decisions. The recommendation is that Meeting Admins and Leaders are owners in the team
    • Members will have standard access to published agendas, approve decisions and access other meeting related information across the meeting. 
  • (Optional) Add additional Channels
    • By default, most team has a General channel. Depending on your preferences for organization and process, it is recommended to have a dedicated channel related to the meetings within the same topic and potentially have multiple channels for different forums.
    • Example: "A marketing team has two different recurring meeting forums. One Meeting series for topics related to advertisement and campaign work, and one related to their brand. In the Teams Team for Marketing, they have created one channel where meeting series or ad hoc meetings related to advertisement is stored and one related to brand"
  • Add the Decisions Channel App/Tab to your channel(s)


Configure RAPID 

  • Enable RAPID for your Team/Channel
    • In Team settings go to Decision Log
      • Select RAPID Framework for all channels or for specific ones
      • Enable Restricted Approval Process if you want RAPID decision to only be available for approval when the Meeting Admin opens the meeting for approval
  • Assign RAD approval roles
    • For each of the Recommend, Agree, and Decide approval roles assign a default person responsible. (This can of course be changed for specific decisions if there are exceptions or multiple people holding the roles for different decisions within a channel)

  • Adjust member information

    • For members validate and adjust the member information in Team settings > Member properties
    • Assign Affiliation (which organization unit the user belongs to)
    • Check if Org title is correct, and consider adding Custom title

Integrate with Advanced Reporting Module

  • If your organization is using Advanced Reporting Module, ensure the new RAPID enabled team is connected to the reporting access structure
  • Approve connection to the Teams team by locating the email invation and follow the steps




Additional configurations

  • Delegate agenda access
    • If the Meeting or Meeting Series is organized by a user who is not the designated Meeting Admin(s), ensure the Meeting Admins have Agenda Delegate access to meetings created by the organizer
  • Join the internal Decisions forum
    • if your company has an internal forum or site for Decisions related information and documentation, ensure you locate and make yourself familiar with what is available from internal resources