The Decisions mobile app is perfect for recording and automatically transcribing board meetings, public forums and any other in-person or hybrid meetings.
Before You Start
• Be sure you've turned on Enable transcription in the Decisions mobile app in your Decisions Admin Portal.
• Also ensure you've downloaded the latest version of the mobile app for iOS or Android.
Step 1: Start recording your in-person or hybrid meeting
• Open the Decisions mobile app on iOS or Android.
• Select the red microphone button, Record meeting.
• If the transcript/recording is for a scheduled meeting, choose Select a calendar event and select the related meeting. For ad-hoc meetings, choose Start recording.

Step 2: Finish your meeting recording
• Press Stop when the meeting is over.
• Finalize the meeting and generate the transcript by selecting Proceed.

Step 3: Create an AI summary with the meeting transcript
If you'd like to use the transcript to create an AI summary of your meeting, choose one of the on-screen options:
• Continue in app: Create and share the AI recap via email from the Decisions mobile app, following the on-screen instructions.
• Continue on computer: Create and share the AI recap or AI meeting minutes from your desktop. If you select this option, locate the meeting in Decisions for Teams or Web and generate the summary as you normally would.