Improved decision-logging, recaps for in-person meetings, upload images for AI summaries, and more.
Decision Log 2.0
We’re excited to introduce Decision Log 2.0. This upgrade includes new features, greater flexibility and a more transparent decision-logging experience. What's new:
- Revamped Decision Log view: Quickly find and organize decisions with new search and filter options
- Decisions in agenda items: Add and view decisions directly within agenda items for better visibility
- Status options for all decisions: Prepare decisions on draft agendas and finalize them during or after meetings (previously only available for voting decisions)
- Decision titles: Keep decisions organized across the Decisions platform with clear, customizable titles
- Log decisions outside of meetings: Log decisions made via email or informal discussions for a complete history
For more details, read our Help Center article on logging new decisions.
AI summaries for in-person and hybrid meetings
Generating meeting recaps and minutes from in-person and hybrid meetings just got easier! With the Decisions mobile app, you can now record and generate AI summaries for both scheduled and ad-hoc meetings.
To enable, turn on “Enable transcription in the Decisions mobile app” in your Decisions Admin Portal.
Upload images for richer AI meeting summaries
You can now upload a variety of images for additional context when generating AI summaries, making them richer and more precise than ever.
What can you upload?
- Handwritten notes – even messy handwriting is recognized
- Whiteboard snapshots of brainstorming sessions and diagrams
- Screenshots of documents, slides or shared screens
- Any other visual aids (charts, graphs, structured layouts, etc.)
Add your team's terminology to a personal AI Glossary
Does your team's specialized language sometimes get lost in AI meeting summaries? Team owners can now add your team’s internal terminology, lingo and abbreviations to a personal AI Glossary!
Decisions AI will learn and incorporate your glossary terms into more relevant, context-aware summaries.
To update your teams' AI Glossaries:
- Click the "All Meetings" dropdown in the upper left of Decisions
- Select a team where you're a team owner
- Click the three-line menu in the upper right of Decisions
- Select "Team Settings"
- Choose "AI Glossary" in the lefthand menu
'Agenda Item Minutes' – Curated meeting minutes
Need to share curated meeting minutes for certain attendees, team members or guest presenters? You can now generate and share separate "Agenda Item Minutes."
Recipients only have access to the minutes for chosen agenda items, rather than the full meeting minutes.
Streamlined workflow for AI recaps and AI minutes
It’s now faster and easier for meeting admins to generate AI recaps and minutes. Enhancements include:
- A single entry point for creating both recaps and minutes
- Post-meeting bot reminders to generate a summary
- Toast reminders in the agenda view
- Ability to create AI minutes directly in Decisions – no need to open Word or OneNote
Language Selector now available for AI recaps
We’ve introduced a language selector dropdown to give users greater control and precision over AI recaps. This update is perfect for teams working in multilingual environments or requiring specific language variants, such as UK English.
Users can pre-select their preferred language or Decisions AI will automatically propose a language.