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AI - Decisions AI

Take complete control over access to Decisions AI, give consent on behalf of all users, and easily configure the deployment using the Decisions Admin Portal.



Decisions AI is a distinct enterprise application within your M365 environment and can be managed separately from the core Decisions enterprise application.

Approve Decisions AI 

New Admin Portal (2)

  • Consent to approve the Decisions AI enterprise app on behalf of users in your organization. (Requires that you have consented for the core Decisions enterprise app first)
  • Disable AI Features controls if Decisions AI is available to anyone in the organization

Deployment options


Deployment Options in New Admin Portal (1)

  • Deployment
    • Enabled for all users allows Decisions users in your organization to see and try Decisions AI
    • Only for assigned users will restrict Decisions AI to only the users with assigned licenses
  • Data processing region
    • Set the data processing region of the Azure OpenAI server used for Decisions AI