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November 2022 - Product Updates

Hidden results until voting is closed

You can now configure your vote to hide the results until the vote is closed. That way people who are voting are not able to view the results until they have given the vote and all votes are submitted or the Meeting Admin has closed the vote.

Enable all Meeting Admins to start vote

We have now enabled all Meeting Admins (Organizer, Owners in Team/Group, and Co-authors) to start a vote.

Annotation of PDF attachments 

You can now annotate PDF attachment to an Agenda Item in Teams, Web, and Mobile

Standing Agenda - Additional improvements

  • Display all occurrences with agenda, even if Meeting Series is changes
  • Manage access of Attendees for Standing Agenda

"Your Week in Meetings"

We have now released a new fantastic summary functionality, that sends you an overview of your upcoming week in meetings. Quickly see how many meetings with agenda you have this week and how many agenda items you are responsible for. This will be sent to your Teams inbox 7am on Mondays your local time.

Note: Decisions can't access your meeting details, agenda or agenda details. The notification and number is calculated on metadata on how many meetings you have in the upcoming week with published agenda, and customized to be sent in your local timezone


Decisions app in Outlook side bar

You can now install and use Decisions in the new app side bar in Outlook (Available in Outlook on Web).

Decisions app in Office.com

You can now install and use Decisions in Office.com

Teams - Shared Channels [Planned for early 2023]

Microsoft have released support for the new channeltype Shared Channels. Decisions is working on supporting these type of channels, and in the meantime have released correct information and handling for users to understand that it is not yet supported. 

Teams Activity Notifications

You will now receive activity notifications in Teams on the below events

  • Standing Agenda is published
  • Someone have suggested a topic on your agenda
  • Someone have approved a suggestion you sent

New Microsoft Graph permissions

With the new version of Decisions Teams App (v4.0.0) we have introduced 3 new Graph permission, make sure you inform your IT admin to re-approve the Decisions Enterprise App.

  • Send a teamwork activity as the user
    • The ability to send activity notifications in teams
  • Read the name and description of channels & Read the members of channels
    • To be able to support Decisions in Shared Channels (Planned for early 2023)