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October 2021 - Product Updates




Meeting Role Description

We are making it even easier to get an overview and manage your meeting attendees and guest presenters. Across the product we are now highlighting the main meeting roles.

  • Meeting Attendees = People invited to the meeting
    • Attendees = Invited to the meeting, and member of the team/group where Agenda is published and stored
    • Guest Attendees = Invited to the meeting, but not a member of the team/group where the Agenda is published and stored
  • Guest Presenters = People not invited to the meeting, but assigned as presenter for an agenda item

Search🔎 (Beta) - Available in more views

Our new search capability can now be accessed in the Teams Channel App, as well as in the Agenda view. Searching from these places will automatically be filtered to search in that Team or Group you are working with

Notify - Guest Attendees

Guest Attendees are now separated from Guest Presenters, and will not be notified and specifically invited when they are assigned as Presenter for an Agenda item. 

Easily copy support details

In some (rare 🙂) cases, you might need to provide Decisions with some details to help with investigating a certain issue or problem. We have now made it very easy to copy those details, just go to the Menu > Help > Copy support details

Improve Post and Activity Message notification

We want to help you to notify people better when you post new agendas, agenda items and minutes. We have therefore updated the way your posts appears for others in the activity feed and chat with a clear title and the date of the meeting. 

Automatically add Decisions Meeting App from Outlook

We have now improved the functionality that will automatically add the Decisions meeting app to your teams meeting (that has an Agenda), so it is even easier to create your meetings from Outlook.

Mobile App - Meetings by Decisions

Meeting Engagement Score from Mobile usages

Now engagement from Meeting Attendees in the Mobile app also counts towards the Meeting Engagement Score. 

Warning before deleting annotated files

We now ask users to confirm if they really intend to delete the annotated file to prevent accidental deletion.
