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September 2021 - Product Updates


Search 🔎 (beta)

We are very excited to introduce Search(beta) in Decisions! Now you can easily find Meetings, Agenda Items, Minutes, and Files straight from the Meeting Dashboard in the Decisions Teams app (Left sidebar) or Decisions on Web. 

Vote with comments

The Decisions voting module can now be configured to support comments. Voters can choose to leave a comment with their vote, further detailing or justifying their vote. 


This is also supported when voting from the Mobile App - Meetings by Decisions


Increased file size for images in Agenda items

We know that relevant illustrations increase both audience attention and memory, so we want you to be able to spice up your agenda items with pictures and screenshots of graphs, new employees, etc. We have therefore increased the size limit for images added to agenda item descriptions to 3MB. (That's 500%, per image!). Add your illustrations by either; copying and pasting them into the agenda item description or by clicking the picture icon in the text editor.

Improved search for users and teams

Now, when you search for users or teams/groups in different places across Decisions, we will return more results with more accuracy. You can search with partial names, using what you remember, and also get results based on the email address and "display name".